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Cullen Nutrition Simplified - Why Bloating Isn’t Just About Your Period: Uncover the Hidden Causes

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Bloating is such an uncomfortable feeling. Everything feels so tight, you wonder why food is not going down or if you overdid it. You struggle to bend over of find a comfortable position because of the bloating. Then there's the fear of someone congratulating you for a pregnancy that isn't happening. Bloating is uncomfortable, but also stressful. I remember the only thing I wanted to do was to get into my loosest pair of pants at night just so that I could find some relief. I want to share with you more about my journey - what worked, what didn't work and what could be leading to these issues.

What didn't work for me?

-Cutting out more and more food. I tried eliminating various foods, but it didn't help. I felt very restricted and unhapp.

-Stressing about it- The more I stressed, the worse it seemed to get.

-Ignoring it - Hoping it would just go away didn't work either.

-General advice: Looking at general information and attending generic webinars didn't provide the answers I needed.

What worked for me?

-Reducing stress. Stress was causing more trouble for my bloating.

-Realizing the Root Cause: Understanding that it wasn't just a food issues but a digestive issue was crucial.

-Seeking Professional Help: Getting help with a root cause approach made all the difference.

What could be causing your bloating?

There are many different reasons for bloating. Here are some of the most common ones that I see in my private practice helping women in Ontario.

1. Excess air the stomach
- Eating quickly
- Drinking carbonated drinks
- Chewing gum

2. Food sensitivities or intolerances
-Sensitivities can create inflammatory response and cause bloating.
-intolerance lead to food not being digested or absorbed, causing symptoms.
-Common ones includes gluten, lactose.

3. Constipation
-A lack of fibre and hydration can slow bowel movements, leading to bloating.

4. Lack of digestive juices
-Insufficient stomach acid or digestive enzymes means food isn't properly digested and lead to bloating.

5. Gut health issues
-Issues like imbalance of microbes (dysbiosis) or leaky gut.

6. Stress
- More stress slows down digestion, which can lead to bloating.

7. Time of the month
-Around the time of the month, you may feel more bloated.

Basic tips to try:

-Slow down when eating and chew your food thoroughly

-Reduce or eliminate carbonated drinks

-Ensure adequate fibre and hydration

-Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation and yoga.

If you have already tried this tips and are still dealing with bloating, it's time to see help from a professional. Understanding the root cause of your symptoms can make all the difference. Don't let bloating control your life - click the LINK above to book a call to get the the bottom of it.

Contact Tanya Cullen

Cullen Nutrition Simplified
Tanya Cullen
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