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Additional Residential Units

Town of Halton Hills

Additional Residential Units

Date: Monday October 7, 2024

Drop-in Public Open House
Time: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Town Hall, lower atrium

An informal session with poster boards presenting project information. Town staff will be available to discuss the Amendments and answer any questions.

Statutory Public Meeting
6 p.m. onwards
Town Hall, Council Chambers

A presentation of background information and the Draft Amendments from Town staff. The public may make oral and written submissions. All feedback from the public is to be recorded and considered when drafting the final version of the Amendments.

Purpose and Effect of Halton Hills Official Plan Amendment 58
The purpose of the Draft Official Plan Amendment is to make revisions to policies for Additional Residential Units, including:

  • Removing the term Accessory Apartment and replacing it with Additional Residential Unit to better align with Provincial policies.
  • Introducing ad definition of Additional Residential Unit that is consistent with Provincial policies.

Purpose and Effect of the Halton Hills Zoning By-law 2010-0050 Amendment
The purpose of the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment is to make revisions to zoning permissions for Additional Residential Units, including:

  • Removing the term Accessory Dwelling Unit and replacing with Additional Residential Unit to better align with Provincial policies.
  • Introducing a definition of Additional Residential Unit that is consistent with Provincial policies.
  • Introducing permissions and lot standards for detached Additional Residential Units in both urban and rural zones (including height, floor area and yard setbacks).

The proposed Amendments will apply Town-wide to the designations and zones specified.

Legal Notices Required under the Planning Act
In accordance with Section 17 (24.1 and 24.1.1) of the Planning Act, there is no appeal with respect to policies adopted to authorize the use of additional residential units as laid out in the draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, except by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Halton Hills on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, you must make a written request to the Town of Halton Hills Planning & Development Department, 1 Halton Hills Drive, Halton Hills, ON, L7G 5G2.

Please note that a copy of the Draft Official Plan Amendment 58 and Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, will be made available as of Friday September 13, 2024. You can find it on Let’s Talk Halton Hills on the Additional Residential Units project page.

If you have any questions related to the Draft Amendments, or the project in general, you can use the Ask the Town function on Let’s Talk Halton Hills, or contact Town staff directly by email: Keith Hamilton or telephone 905-875-5961.

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