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CMHA Nipissing celebrates annual CMHA Mental Health Week

One in five Canadians experiences a mental illness every year
World Mental Health Day
Image from the World Health Organization

The residents of Nipissing are marking the Canadian Mental Health Association’s annual Mental Health Week.

This year, from May 6-12, CMHA is asking all Canadians to “Get Loud” on social media and in their communities, workplaces and schools about what mental health really is, to clear up the difference between “mental health” and “mental illness” and suggest what good mental health looks like.

Local events in the Nipissing District can be found here.  

“We are very pleased to be working with our community partners to raise awareness and get loud about what mental health is.” says Margi Woods Clarke, Executive Director, CMHA, Nipissing Regional Branch.

“While much of the week is to promote mental health we also want to encourage people to reach out for assistance and to know what services are available to them.”

One in five Canadians experiences a mental illness every year, but all five in five of us have mental health, just like we all have physical health. When you look at all the official definitions out there across Canada and around the world, you find that there are six common features of good mental health:

  • a sense of self;
  • a sense of purpose;
  • of belonging;
  • contribution;
  • enjoyment and
  • resilience.

For this year’s Mental Health Week campaign, CMHA created illustrations that reflect the real faces of Canada and describe the six features of good mental health in everyday language:

  • I don’t worry too much about what people think of me.
  • I feel like I’m reaching my potential.
  • I feel like I belong.
  • I make the world a better place.
  • I enjoy my life.
  • Knock me down and I’ll get back up again.

For more information about CMHA’s Mental Health Week, or for information or tools about your own mental health and how to celebrate, protect and promote it, visit