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Letter: Why won't local dentists join the Dental Care Plan

'I am 77 years old, with my own teeth that I have looked after all of my life, and want to keep what I have'
dental care dentist teethshutterstock_373410019 2016
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Why is it that you cannot find any North Bay dentists who are participating in the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)?

Is it because they’re they’re so used to gouging their patients, that they feel their profit margins will suffer?

I believe that the opposite is true, and they will have more patients than ever if they join the Canadian Dental Care Plan and will do a lot of good in their community by doing so.

I am 77 years old, with my own teeth that I have looked after all of my life, and want to keep what I have.

However, I find that paying the exorbitant rates that are being charged by the dental profession today, is a challenge.


Richard Matthews

North Bay

Do you qualify for the Canadian Dental Care Plan? Check here.